What do I Know?

Your probably wondering who I am. If not, tough, I'm gonna tell you anyway. I'm a junior at the University of South Carolina. I'm studying electronic journalism. I've lived just about everywhere. My dad was in the military. I was born in Germany. I've moved to Virginia, England, twice, New Mexico, twice, Washington state, and now I'm in Columbia SC.

In case you're wondering, my favorite football team is the Denver Broncos. I'm not a bandwagon jumper either. I've rooted for them since I lived in New Mexico. That was a long time ago.

I'm doing this website for a Computer Science 102 project. I was tossing ideas around in my head. Aerosmith, Broncos, family, etc. I finally decided to do Boston sports teams. I hope you like what I've done. I'm going up to the University of Massachusetts next spring, so I'll be able to catch a few games. I'm really excited about it. I can't wait to get out of the South. By the way, Yankees fans must die.

Classic from Boston Aerosmith's Crazy Aerosmith's Dream On
Paul Pierce in Action

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